Atomic Essays
This is my collection of 250-word essays. Mostly anecdotal shitposts, some expressed out of frustration, some out of compassion. Not to be taken seriously :)
📌Quick Note
✈️Day 1: pilot👁️Day 2: cone dystrophy⏸️Day 3: pause, relax🐰Day 4: reddit rabbithole🗣️Day 5: need more nuance🗓️Day 6: productivity is a scam💊Day 7: gateway drug to entrepreneurship😕Day 8: dilemmas😤Day 9: get your shit together😭Day 10: it's hard🥴Day 11: errands? distractions!📧Day 12: generic cold emails😷Day 13: endemic🌐Day 14: metaverse aftermath💭Day 15: bubble📖Day 16: kindle appreciation essay🎞️Day 17: an underrated form of media😰Day 18: monday bluesDay 19: fan loyalty💭Day 20: specific knowledge😔Day 21: sickening times📋Day 22: on CBCs🔄Day 23: what're the odds🤝Day 24: friendship day🖖Day 25: maintaining the continuum💸Day 26: does creator economy contribute to the 'economy'?🍪Day 27: early validation😅Day 28: exciting tings💪Day 29: CAN'T HURT MEDay 30: self-doubt👀Day 31: reflecting back💬Day 32: async is rad🤗Day 33: my stint with community building🧳Day 34: varied experiences🎙️Day 35: my problem with podcasts🖱️Day 36: misclicksDay 37: beer & coffee💩Day 38: reality shitshows☠️Day 39: collapse🇨🇳Day 40: why is geopolitics still relevant!?💤Day 41: sleepDay 42: ye⏲️Day 43: a misunderstood masterpiece🏢Day 44: dream company😪Day 45: bland zindagi💸Day 46: follow the money🦟Day 47: mosquito genocide🌠Day 48: screw the clout📤Day 49: flush it out😴Day 50: are all nighters worth it?🔥Day 51: moments📽️Day 52: YouTube 2.0🏃Day 53: the sprint💊Day 54: you're on drugs🌀Day 55: cycles🚮Day 56: throwing it all away🙄Day 57: random bits📶Day 58: alternate reality🪙Day 59: metaverse is bs💲Day 60: what resulted in 2008 crisis👐Day 61: migration is gonna be tough❄️Day 62: weak menDay 63: anticipation is...🧑‍💻Day 64: my relationship with code🐑Day 65: sheep♻️Day 66: continuumDay 67: pov: veekay trying to manage time🎞️Day 68: LA ↔ SF👌Day 69: noice💫Day 70: looking inward💢Day 71: rude awakening🚨Day 72: PAUSE