
Odd title. No, that’s thirdweb written upside down (reverse). Goal is to do that, in a good way ofcourse :)
Gonna try and keep this concise. This doc is about what I’d be working on as soon as i join thirdweb. Borrowing a brilliant analogy from this article, here’s what I’d be handling as a CM intern at thirdweb
  1. The operatooooor: Resembling the settle in the article, the backbone of community operations. I’d be responsible for ensuring the best community/user experience for every dev and individual that joins our discord, make sure the new members are onboarded well, the existing ones stick around and build the best products they can with thirdweb. Over the past years of working in this space & role, I’ve come to realize that every detail matters. Whether it be as simple as adding pepe discord emotes to something like more levels of optionality for people to choose from so that they can customize their own community experience. For thirdweb., this not only applies to the users, but also to the thirdweb devs. I can only imagine scrolling through 100s of partner channels to then get to public channels and announcements and everything.
  1. The experimentoooor: Also known as the explorer. Adopting this identity would essentially mean that i’d move from a day-to-day operational timeline to a more week-to-week timeline. As the name says, here I’d be responsible for running various experiments across discord, twitter & the thirdweb (wiki?) to grow the community. So this could mean anything from creating content (more guides and debug FAQs), or conducting events with community members, partners, devs and founders on discord & twitter spaces, so as to bring the devs & the users closer (essence of web3 innit). or partnering with existing big projects and helping them set infrastructure to help them accomplish their goals. (what if Yuga Labs uses thirdweb to build their $ape marketplace!).
  1. The strategisoooor: Also known as the town planner. The timelines have pretty much shifted to a quartely basis. Now the job is to divert 20% resources to the highest leverage activites to drive 80% results. “Crafting strategy is a process of discovery and iteration. It is shaped and formed over time as a community increasingly learns from their experiments and initiatives over time through the settlers and explorers of a community.”
To conclude,
Step 1: ensuring a great UX, and the start of building a great culture, which in thirdweb’s case, is to help builders SURVIVE.
Step 2: growth, experimenation & working at scale. Hence helping the builders THRIVE.
Step 3: strategy, driving maximum results through minimum action. In thirdweb’s case, this would mean helping the builders COLLABORATE and give rise to the thirdweb community mafia.
Personal note: If I were offered a 3-6 month opportunity, the first half of it would just being an operatooooor. Then the second half, the more fun bit, would be to run experiments and help thirdweb grow and operate at scale. As a builder at heart, my job here would be to help fellow builders survive & thrive. Thirdweb allows me to do exactly that. My heart is with thirdweb, let’s hope we can come to a positive conclusion & create a win-win situation :)