fractal to the moon
Goal: scale fractal from 100k to 200k
Have a few more ideas apart from what I mentioned in the chat earlier, but let me elaborate on the initial idea first
3 Cs
  1. Campaigns: So earlier, campaigns were quite overlapping with ‘events’ the way I was thinking about it. so meetups, hackathons, some other contests on discord, etc. But it could be much more. Hard to quantify, but these ‘campaigns’ would be a once-in-a-while thing that’d be creative af. Say running a quiz around what's trending (like kevin atm), which irrespective of people’s answers would lead to them being linked to fractal as the conclusion of it. This would drive clicks, and we’d aim for virality.
  1. Creation: Onboard content creators, influencers, shitposters, members & anyone who’d evangelize fractal in some way or the other.
  1. Curation: Tons of content out there. Need to separate signal from the noise. Curate & build a directory around nfts. gaming, blockchain games, etc.
Miscellaneous Ideas
  • Improve UX: One of my core thesis around the work i do is to make sure every single member has the best experience ever. Every little thing matters. For eg: adding auto-assign roles for various things from pings to gamer tag to language roles. Unlocking channels based on roles, would help avoid clutter for the user, and provides optionality for how and what they wanna see.
  • Scarcity: Make the discord private, only open the portal at specific times. I have never seen this work at early stages, especially since building a culture early on is in question. But at 100k, a lot of it has already been built, given that growth is the goal, going private isn’t a terrible idea IMO. To add, scarcity can also be added on lower levels, say based on engagement, or gated channels like holders-lounge (verify through grape), etc etc. Depends on the KPIs of the company.
  • Personalize support: get members to create tickets instead of starting threads in the support channel. easier for both mods & members to manage. + this makes them feel heard. don't think I need to elaborate more on personalizing the user experience.
  • More ideas like identifying key people for mods & volunteering, regular events, collaborations, etc.


After a quick glance over the fractal discord, a lot of the above ideas already seem to have been implemented to an extent, including the 3 Cs. I’d observed 50k members joining the discord in a very short span of time mostly based on Justin Kan’s influence. I know coz that’s how I got in too.
But anyway my approach here & always with CM is to experiment, experiment, experiment. Doesn’t work? Scrap. Works? Double down. Looking forward to your response :)