Task 3: Road to $100M ARR - Possibility Check

Check the scalability of supply & demand
Elasticity of the market to $100M revenue Do you see the path clearly or will there be challenges after 1M revenue in the market
This is a small exercise to get a view on if this market has a potential of $100M revenue.
For ex: Freshworks is a $100M+ revenue company.
Customer Service, Customer Helpcare is a multibillion dollar market. Swiggy is a $100M+ Food Tech Market in India can accommodate multiple 100 Million dollar companies.
Which markets have very less possibility of $100M
  1. Podcasting In India is a small market, it can not create a company beyond $100M
  1. Stock content in India
  1. Legal-Tech Market in India
  1. Pharma supply chain
  1. direct consumer brands
  1. SaaS products for Indian market have very less chances to make $100M revenues.
Number of target customers x Penetration rate = Market volume
Market volume x price = market value


  1. Who is your idea customer persona on the supply & demand side. If SaaS - who is your customer persona.
  1. What is the market volume of the supply (For ex: No of restaurants in Swiggy)
  1. What is the market volume of demand (For ex: Population or Percentage of people who can order food online)
  1. How many businesses exist that can buy your software (SaaS)
  1. How much revenue can be made per user or customer over a period of 5 years.
  1. What are the value added services that can be given to the customer to increase Average Revenue Per User. (Swiggy Food + Swiggy Stores, Freshdesk + Freshmarketer + Freshsales)
  1. Does the market have enough purchasing appetite